Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Providing Medical Information to Social Security

When processing new applications for disability benefits, the Social Security Administration (SSA) lists down evidentiary requirements that will be provided by the hospitals, doctors, and other licensed professionals.

While the confidentiality of cases is still a top priority, it is the duty of the patient and the health care provider to be honest with the SSA about his current medical status. When all the evidence have been assessed, then the patient may be approved and he and his family may receive benefits the soonest time possible.

A Report that Assesses Eligibility

The consultative examination (CE) is a report that the SSA will require from doctors or hospital staff to more effectively assess and determine the eligibility for Social Security disabilty of an applicant. If other medical professionals other than the patient’s personal physician are needed, they may be consulted and statements from them will be obtained by the SSA.

What It Includes

The CE report will include a description of the medical history of the patient. It should also detail the major complaints or physical problems experienced by the patient. Some of the questions that need to be answered will pertain to his or her ability to move normally or do his or her daily activities.

If the applicant is a disabled child, licensed experts will have to make a statement to the SSA which compares the minor’s abilities to normal children of his or her age group. The CE should include not only the prognosis and diagnosis, but all other comments or recommendations by the attending physician.

If you have further queries on the evidentiary requirements of the SSA, you can talk to the specialists in the application procedures. Discuss with them how you can work together to get your patients the disability benefits they deserve.

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