Thursday, July 17, 2014

Disability Social Security: An Introduction

The Social Security Administration (SSA) manages a program called disability insurance or disability social security which insures a worker in case of a mishap. Enforced using the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), the SSA collects regular contributions from employees, with these collections forming part of their Social Security fund. This federal legislation makes it possible for employees to receive income insurance for at least one year when they become disabled.

The process of applying for disability social security involves passing stringent tests that the SSA sets to ensure that only those who really qualify and need it can benefit from this form of assistance. First, applicants must meet the government agency’s definition of being “disabled”. Then, they must prove that their current medical condition impairs them from continuing to do their work or from taking other types of occupation.

After careful review of applications for disability social security and other supporting documents, SSA can decide to grant or reject a worker’s application for the said income insurance. If approved, beneficiaries need to wait for their first payment six months after the decision has been made. If the application has been rejected, applicants can file an appeal with the SSA to overturn the decision. Employees have to prove that they are qualified for the benefit and meet the specific requirements of the compensation program.

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