Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Revenue Cycle Management Companies: TCPA and its Potential Impact

To comply with TCPA requirements regarding patient contact, your practice needs to verify three things: First, the identity of the patient receiving the call; second, that you have permission to contact the patient at that specific number with the technology used to generate the call, and; third, if you’re calling a mobile or residential phone. Not sure if you’re complying? Knowledgeable revenue cycle management companies like DECO Recovery Management can provide you with a proven revenue cycle solution for these and other related needs. Get in touch with these companies to learn how they are helping healthcare providers like you to address these all too common revenue cycle challenges.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Facts to Remember Before Applying for SSI Benefits

Families who are struggling to financially support a child suffering from disability can submit an application for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to the Social Security Administration to ease the monetary burden. Before applying for these benefits, however, parents are encouraged to review these facts.

The Administration employs strict standards in determining who falls into the definition of “disabled”. Aside from a debilitating physical or mental condition, the condition must be projected to last at least a year or result in eventual death. Other examinations may be requested as necessary, which will be paid for by Social Security.

Children aged up to 18 years old can qualify for SSI disability benefits if they meet the aforementioned conditions for disability and little to no income or resources. The family’s household income, resources, and other particulars are also taken into account.

Parents should take note that it can take up to 5 months for Social Security to decide on an application. An official letter will be sent once approval has been granted.

Applicants should keep in mind that while benefits are available, SSI is not meant to be a medical assistance program that supersedes state Medicaid agencies, local health departments, or hospitals. Families are encouraged to approach these organizations or the nearest health agencies first before considering undergoing the lengthy and rigorous process of security SSI disability benefits.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Disability Social Security: An Introduction

The Social Security Administration (SSA) manages a program called disability insurance or disability social security which insures a worker in case of a mishap. Enforced using the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), the SSA collects regular contributions from employees, with these collections forming part of their Social Security fund. This federal legislation makes it possible for employees to receive income insurance for at least one year when they become disabled.

The process of applying for disability social security involves passing stringent tests that the SSA sets to ensure that only those who really qualify and need it can benefit from this form of assistance. First, applicants must meet the government agency’s definition of being “disabled”. Then, they must prove that their current medical condition impairs them from continuing to do their work or from taking other types of occupation.

After careful review of applications for disability social security and other supporting documents, SSA can decide to grant or reject a worker’s application for the said income insurance. If approved, beneficiaries need to wait for their first payment six months after the decision has been made. If the application has been rejected, applicants can file an appeal with the SSA to overturn the decision. Employees have to prove that they are qualified for the benefit and meet the specific requirements of the compensation program.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

New Health Insurance Marketplace Coverage Options for Small Businesses

"Eligibility for coverage in the SHOP marketplace is achieved either individually or as a company. For a business to be considered eligible, the owner must prove that the enterprise indeed falls under the “small business” category and that all employees agreed to enroll in a health plan. Depending on the jurisdiction, you may be able to get health coverage from the Affordable Care Act marketplace even if only 70 percent of your employees are enrolled. Whatever the arrangement may be, you will need the help of a reputable Health Insurance Marketplace Navigator like DECO Recovery Management to ensure that the application process goes as smoothly as possible. This way, you can weigh your options more intelligently and provide optimum coverage for your employees."

Monday, July 14, 2014

Social Security Disability Benefits: Factors the SSA Has to Consider

"The application process is straightforward. To qualify for the benefits, you must first prove that you were at the right age when you became disabled; that you worked long enough in a job covered by SSA; and that your disability is sufficient for entitlement. In the case of non-employee applicants—disabled children, for instance—SSI provides Social Security disability benefits for children in the form of supplemental security income. Documents proving that the family taking care of the child belongs to a lower-income bracket are required. While the process sounds simple enough, some issues surrounding your application may complicate it. In such cases, you will need the help of eligibility experts from companies like DECO Recovery Management to increase your chances of getting approved. These experts can prepare and file your documents as well as help you obtain fair financial support."

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Expanded Eligibility for Medicaid: How Healthcare Providers Can Adapt

"Medicaid’s recent expansion will no doubt require health care providers to improve their existing healthcare revenue cycle management systems. Any such improvement should help monitor a practice’s income by improving the efficiency with which it determines patient insurance eligibility, collects co-pays, and codes claims under the new healthcare system. Eligibility experts from companies like DECO Recovery Management can facilitate this transition and ensure that healthcare providers as well as their patients are properly covered under the new system. Whatever changes Obamacare and subsequent healthcare reforms may bring about, it is clear that hospitals need to better manage the non-clinic aspects of their operations so they can focus on providing quality care. Custom-fit solutions from a revenue cycle expert like DECO Recovery Management make it possible for the uninsured and underserved members of society to get the healthcare they need and at the same time allow hospital operat

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Common Questions about Medicaid Eligibility

Many Maryland residents have lauded the passing of the Affordable Care Act (or “Obamacare” as it is commonly called). Of course, many of your patients are probably unaware that there are already laws that seek to make medical care affordable for people, especially those in dire financial straits. Case in point: the Medical Assistance program or Medicaid.

This provision was created in 1965 to assist low-income individuals who are either under 21 or over 65 years old, pregnant, disabled (or caring for a child who is), or responsible for children under 21 years old.

As with any law, though, expect your patients to have plenty of questions about Medicaid eligibility. Below are some that you might encounter:

Where Can I Get Application Forms?
To make things easier, the state has made application forms available online. Your patients may download them from:

What Services are covered by Medicaid?
Medicaid covers a variety of medical services such as ambulatory surgical center services, laboratory and x-ray services, and even mental health management, among many others.

What if I Make Too Much Money?
If a person makes too much money to qualify for Medicaid, they may still take advantage of this program via the “step down” procedure. This requires the applicant to show that his or her medical expenses exceed their income.

If you need help explaining the full benefits of Medicaid and assisting patients to enroll, you can tap third-party specialists like DECO Recovery Management.

What is Revenue Cycle Management and How Can it Benefit Hospitals?

"Since a majority of patients may be enrolled in an insurance policy, gathering accurate data and verifying information becomes top priorities. After patients provide insurance information, it is advisable to confirm eligibility for coverage prior to hospital admission. Through this practice, the hospital can avoid expensive liabilities and minimize the likelihood of claims being denied, which can cause undue inconvenience to patients. As the EHR Intelligence excerpt suggests, using a certified EHR technology makes the process more efficient. The automated system can record insurance information aside from other health data, so the hospital can send batches of data to a clearinghouse for eligibility confirmation. Through proper guidance on these innovative programs, leading revenue cycle management companies like DECO Recovery Management enable hospitals to improve their collection strategies and focus on providing better care to patients."

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Streamlining the Revenue Cycle

A revenue cycle refers to the activities involved in the sale and delivery of goods and services to the customer. From the endorsement of goods and services to managing transactions, revenue cycles are basically the core of doing business. Every industry, including healthcare, has its own revenue cycle.

The cyclical process ensures continuous revenue for the medical facility over the course of the patient's life. However, the risk of a domino effect affecting the entire process is higher, which is why medical facilities must take extra care when processing transactions. A minor error at any point in the process can cause a chain reaction, affecting revenue and customer satisfaction.

Technology opens a new world of possibilities in improving the revenue cycle, although it's still important to keep in mind that technology is only as good as the human input. By using state-of-the-art software and revenue cycle solutions, medical facilities can streamline the revenue cycle with a lower risk of creating issues and concerns for the customer.

These systems will become essential as medical billing makes the shift to the newer ICD-10 standard. It will implement more billing codes than its predecessor the ICD-9, and this change will surely create more confusion for a medical facility without a revenue cycle management system.