Monday, February 6, 2017

What You Need to Know about Medicaid Changes for your Eligibility for Social Security Disability

Changes happen in many industries, particularly the healthcare field. Medicaid, in particular, is about to get a facelift, thanks to the new president in charge and new agendas set forth by the Republicans. These changes are positioned to affect many aspects of healthcare, even social security disability.

Decreased Funding

With President Trump’s ascent into the White House comes a drastic transformation in Medicaid. These changes are a direct response to what many Republicans are calling an inefficient and bloated system, designed for individuals who are severely over the poverty line. This has caused an increase in federal government spending, and more pressure on Medicaid to accept this large influx of people.

President Trump plans to offset this influx by decreasing federal funding, offering more state control, and allowing fewer participants into the program. Perhaps the most consequential change is the flexibility that states now have. Instead of the federal government controlling enrollment, states receive a fixed amount and get to decide how to administer it. This flexibility gives them the ability to experiment, seeing what method works best to provide low-income individuals with healthcare. Read more from this blog:

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