Wednesday, February 8, 2017

How Doctors Are Being Affected by the Affordable Care Act Marketplace

The healthcare industry is constantly going through changes, especially in regards to the healthcare marketplace. Policies and regulations are compelled to evolve because of the requirements of the Affordable Care Act.

This adds pressure to everyone involved, especially doctors who are struggling to keep up with the increasing number of patients who may default on their payments.

Doctors Leaving Their Practices to Become Hospital Employees

The Affordable Care Act, signed into law in 2010, has caused a lot of hospitals to buy up physician practices. This practice, enacted all over the United States, helps hospitals fall in line with a system that reimburses based on quality of care and outcomes. This varies from models in the past, which relied on a traditional fee-for-service system. The end result is doctors transitioning to an employee role. But why are doctors selling their practice when they are potentially giving up a lot of freedom and control? Read more from this blog:

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