Each of the payments you make for the Affordable Care Act Marketplace option you choose is based on these factors: deductibles, coinsurance and co-payments. A deductible is the amount you are required to pay before your insurance pays up. You will have to pay in full before you are covered. Other times, the insurer will also require you to pay the coinsurance after you met your deductible. The amount of the insurance is your share of the costs and is a fixed percentage. On the other hand, the copayment is the amount you pay for select services. Choosing the Best Plan Ultimately, choosing a plan is your decision to make. You should carefully consider your finances, your health, risk factors and other relevant circumstances that might come into play. If you are required to have frequent appointments with your doctor, your best option might be the gold or platinum plans. If there is not much need for you to see a doctor often, you may choose bronze or silver.
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