Growing financial pressures are forcing
hospitals to re-evaluate the question of what makes good
revenue cycle management. Processing claims and payments isn’t enough.
Hospital administrators need to be able to maximize their ability to capture
revenue from all of their patients – regardless of their current financial
One way that hospitals can do this is by pre-screening their patients for
Medicare eligibility at the time of admittance. Many hospitals do not do this
until a patient has already been discharged, which increases the potential for
an unpaid bill. They may also rely on their own organization’s charity care
programs rather than exhausting the ability of a patient to cover their costs
through Medicare.
Verifying a patient’s eligibility for coverage under Medicaid is also
problematic. It’s not uncommon for a patient denial to occur because of front
end issues with the pre-screening process. A lack of education or unfamiliarity
with requirements can mean that denials of coverage are given because the wrong
demographic or coverage information was entered or because enhanced
requirements for authorizations of service for Medicaid patients were not met.
Organizations can improve their revenue cycle management by placing an emphasis
on performing effective pre-screening for hospital patients, particularly those
whose services could potentially be covered by Medicaid or other forms of
government coverage. Shifting from a reliance on self-pay or organizational
charity care programs and taking advantage of potential coverage through
Medicaid can reduce lost payments and time spent handling eligibility issues.
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