Thursday, April 23, 2015

Some Help: A Better Look at SSI and SSDI

You can’t predict the future; accidents can happen, or your retirement may require a bit more money. Thanks to Social Security Disability Benefits, your future financial stability doesn’t have to be entirely hopeless.

Social Security Disability benefits are paid to American citizens who have worked long enough and have a medical condition that has rendered them incapable of working for a living. These benefits can be categorized under Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

The process may take time, however, and the Social Security Administration may even deny your application. If your application gets denied, you can consult a Social Security Disability eligibility expert.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Children’s Eligibility for Medicaid Pays Society Back in the Long Run

When there is a discussion on the advantages of government health care, the immediate health and economic rewards of providing the people a way to pay for their care is often talked about. Now, according to The New York Times, “a novel study presents another argument for the medical safety net, at least for children: Giving them health coverage may boost their future earnings for decades.” The taxes that are paid on higher incomes may help the government get back their money for some of its investment, meaning that the government also benefits from children’s eligibility for Medicaid. The study made use of available tax records that saw tax returns for nearly all children born in the United States from 1981 to 1984. Instead of looking at the immediate impact of Medicaid on these children, the study followed them as they became adults and began paying federal taxes.

Get the Helpful New Health Insurance Marketplace Coverage Options

By all indications, the Affordable Care Act and the new Health Insurance Marketplace coverage options are effective in making quality healthcare more accessible to a greater number of Americans. Reporting on recent government statistics, the Montgomery Advertiser said, “As of midnight Feb. 15, about 11.4 million Americans selected Marketplace plans or were automatically re-enrolled, including 8.6 million through the, platform, and…2.8 million through these state Marketplaces.” There was an increased demand for insurance, which was evident because there were more new consumers who signed up compared to any other period of enrollment.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Social Security Disability Benefits for People with Kidney Disease

Kidney disease prevents the kidneys from cleansing the blood fully. According to Palm Beach Post, “one out of three Americans is currently at high risk for developing kidney disease”. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention place the number of Americans suffering from chronic kidney disease at 20 million. If a kidney disease would prevent a person from working, then he or she would be eligible for Social Security disability benefits. In addition, those with kidney failure can qualify for Medicare as soon as they are approved for Social Security disability, compared to other conditions that have a two-year waiting period.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Reviewing Hospital Revenue Cycle Management amid Changing Regulations

With the changes to the Affordable Care Act underway, particularly with the reforms and expansions on Medicaid, now is the best time to review your hospital revenue cycle. So far, 28 states (plus the District of Columbia) have expanded Medicaid, particularly eligibility for Medicaid. This has made healthcare more accessible for underprivileged Americans. Under the Medicaid expansion, states can opt to cover people earning an income of over 138 percent of the federal poverty level, equivalent to $32,913 for a family of four. The aim is for the federal government to pay 100 percent of costs for those newly eligible people in 2016, until it shifts down to 90 percent in 2020 and in the coming years. The long-term goal is a healthier population, with fewer people being admitted to charity care and less strain on hospital budgets.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

What is Revenue Cycle Management when Spread or Stretched Too Thin?

Though grounded on an earnest aim to provide the healthcare that people deserve, hospitals and healthcare providers still need income to survive. Hence, they need comprehensive revenue cycle management mechanisms lest they see their facilities meet untimely ends. The concept of revenue cycle management is simple enough: incapable or wrong management can waste a lot of money on your part. In implementing or choosing revenue cycle management services, you must first consider whether your resources are being stretched too thin or not, hindering you not only from achieving your main goal of maximizing your gains but also on improving your patients’ experiences.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Social Security Disability Benefits Requirements

If you get hurt and have social security, you can be eligible for compensation. The Social Security Administration (SSA) will assess your condition and other factors influencing your application to determine just how much financial support you are entitled to receive.

The financial benefits will generally depend on the type of disability you sustain. There are SSA requirements any individual application for Social Security disability benefits must meet. Also listed are the major conditions the SSA considers as proof of entitlement to disability benefits. These include musculoskeletal problems, cardiovascular conditions, and others.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Expanding the Medicaid cut

Medicaid is gradually becoming a favorable healthcare insurance option for families under the Affordable Care Act. After years of coverage for pregnant women, children, and persons with disabilities, the law allowed eligibility for Medicaid for parents in the lower-income bracket or single adults with no kids.
The Medicaid expansion was one of the major provisions at stake in the ACA cases decided by the Supreme Court in June 2012. The Supreme Court upheld the Medicaid expansion, but limited the federal government's ability to penalize states that don't comply. Therefore, where it was originally mandatory for states to expand Medicaid, now it’s effectively optional.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Making Sense of RCM

Many hospitals in the entire country tend to get stumped over accounting for their operations and the bottom line. In some respects, part of making situations better requires taking stock of processes such as revenue cycle management, or RCM.
What is revenue cycle management all about? Essentially, it’s the process by which hospitals ensure that they receive appropriate payments in a timely manner. The revenue cycle starts from data collection, i.e. when the patient sets an appointment, and ends when the patient’s balance zeroes out. Throughout the process, there is a need to balance patient satisfaction and the institution’s revenue and sustainability.