Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Avoid These When Filing an SSDI Claim

Among SSDI applicants, it’s common to hear that the process they must go through is long and arduous. They would be right: SSDI processing is so stringent that only about 30 percent of claims are approved at the initial stage. So what happens to the other 70 percent? Chances are, they committed either one, two, or all of these mistakes.

Faking it– At times, crooks see the SSDI application process as a way of getting money without working. They do this by trying to fabricate their injuries and the “credentials” that prove it, with the aid of fraudulent people like themselves. Attempting this could lead to serving jail time.

Not having a general idea about the process– Some SSDI applicants also tend to not do their homework on how the process works, or what they should expect upon their application. Understanding the application process is critical to know which records might be required and which ones constitute proof of disability. In other words, they lack the SSDI savvy required.

Exaggerating/omitting details on previous jobs– When applying for SSDI benefits, an applicant will be asked to list their previous employment history. Providing incomplete/overblown details will do no good because of stringent-enough examiners that can easily point out inconsistencies.

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