Thursday, September 7, 2017

What is Revenue Cycle Management Transparency’s Role in Keeping Healthcare Facilities Afloat?

While it’s true that patients are the lifeblood of any healthcare provider, it’s the accounts receivables that keep the proverbial chimneys burning. After all, if billings are not collected on time, your clinic or hospital may very well find itself short on cashflow. This, in turn, can have catastrophic effects on both your bottom line and your ability to service the infirm.

The Possible Problems

Of course, there many reasons why medical facilities can’t bill accounts receivables in a timely manner. The first and most common reason is that patients simply do not have the financial capacity to pay their medical bills. Such a problem can be alleviated by engaging the services of an eligibility expert, which can help your patients identify what government-sponsored programs they qualify under so that the government—and not third-party payers—will reimburse you. Read more from this blog:

Revenue Cycle Management Companies Advise a Data-Centric Approach to Increasing Collection

Improving operational efficiency can definitely help reduce a hospital's total costs. But, just as importantly, if not more, it can noticeably improve the quality of care that patients receive, thereby minimizing their need to keep returning to the hospital for more treatments.

To explain how this is possible, revenue cycle management companies turn to some of the most recent studies conducted in several health clinics across America. Mostly, these studies focus on the importance of accessing data in a timely manner. Read more from this blog:

Monday, September 4, 2017

Rethinking Revenue Cycle Management Services in the Face of Bundled Payments

There has never been an era when the healthcare industry has seen such an upheaval quite like the past decade. With the passing of the landmark Affordable Care Act (ACA), millions of previously uninsured Americans now have a safety net to rely on should they fall ill.

However, the influx of new patients also means that there has been a renewed focus on providing quality care. On the flip side, providing quality care also often means higher costs of treatment. Now more than ever, healthcare providers are forced to juggle these two seemingly opposed aspects of the business. Read more from this blog:

Rural Hospitals Continue to Face Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management Challenges

Rural hospitals are currently facing a unique set of healthcare revenue cycle management challenges that may force them out of business if not addressed properly. Should this happen, the country's rural population can possibly be left without any available healthcare options in their area. After all, rural hospitals are sparsely located throughout the land.

From 2010 to August 2017, a disturbing trend continues to haunt the healthcare industry. According to recent data from the University of North Carolina's G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, as many as 80 rural hospital closed during the said period. Read more from this blog: