Monday, July 13, 2015

SSDI for Adults Disabled Before Age 22

Disabled children under the age of 18 are the most common candidates to receive social security disability benefits (SSDI) for children. Adults disabled before age 22, however, can also be eligible for these benefits if they have a deceased parent, or if their parent starts receiving retirement or disability benefits. This is considered under the SSDI for children because it will be paid on the parent’s Social Security earnings record. Therefore, even if the child has never worked, he/she will still be qualified to receive benefits. 

The Social Security Administration (SSA) calls these beneficiaries “adult children”. An adult child doesn’t necessarily have to be a biological child of the parent. He could be an adopted child and in some cases, a stepchild, grandchild or step grandchild. The adult child must be aged 18 or older and unmarried. If the adult child marries, the benefits are going to end. However, some marriages can be considered protected. For instance, if an adult child marries another adult disabled child, he will continue to receive benefits.

The SSA will only consider disability that started before the age of 22. The agency takes a closer look at an adult child’s disability under the same rules used for evaluation of adult disability. 

These are the things that medical practitioners and facilities, and their patients, may not be familiar with. The assistance of eligibility experts is needed in determining healthcare eligibility for adult child patients, so these patients could settle bills through SSDI.

Application Mistakes That Delay SSD Judgment

Generally, delays in social security disability (SSD) judgments are due to the number of disability appeals being filed, which is much more than what a small circle of administrative law judges can manage. Unfortunately, many applicants think that the process is a mere filing of forms. As such, they often make mistakes that contribute to further delays.

Inaccurate Medical Information

Disability claims are forwarded to the state disability agency to verify medical records and screen them for the SSA. This agency gathers all medical files from the medical sources an applicant indicates in his form. The wait usually lasts for months, and delays can be lengthened when the medical information gathered are not up-to-date (within the past 90 days) or the records do not completely match the condition claimed. In this case, the applicant may have to undergo a consultative medical exam under SSA’s charge.

Lack of Understanding About Qualifications

The SSD process can be complicated and not everyone functionally impaired may fit its description of “disabled”. An applicant must satisfy a certain set of conditions to qualify for the insurance. For instance, a 30-year-old electronic quality auditor who hurt his back in a workplace accident may not be considered disabled by SSD if the injury does not really prevent him from doing his job, unless he can present compelling evidence to the contrary.
Eligibility services help SSD applicants improve information accuracy and understanding, to hasten judgments for the applicant and reimbursements for the medical facility.

Get Your Children Enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP

Lack of healthcare coverage often means that primary care is an out-of-reach luxury. Yet primary care plays an important role in an individual’s health, as it helps prevent or treat illnesses before they turn serious. For parents in low-income families, Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are  viable ways to provide their children with comprehensive and affordable health coverage, especially when they can’t afford coverage on their own or do not receive health benefits from their jobs. 

Whether you’re just starting or are looking to improve your child’s existing coverage, here are some tips for Medicaid and CHIP enrollment that you can use:

Learn Your State’s Specifics

Familiarize yourself with your state’s particular enrollment steps. Every state provides health coverage for most low-income children, however, enrollment procedures, eligibility requirements, and cost-sharing rules will vary across the country.

Consult groups with Direct Medicaid and CHIP Knowledge

Get in touch with groups with whom you regularly work with and reach out to other groups as well. This includes community organizations, clinics, ministers, school personnel, elected officials etc.—anyone who has contact or influence in the lives of families and who will have an interest in enrolling children in health coverage.
You can apply for these programs any time of the year, and if you qualify, your coverage can begin immediately.